We want visitors to enjoy the water too. We also want to educate visitors on etiquette on and off the water so our local beach towns' perceptions remain positive of our local watermen and waterwomen.
Remember PERCEPTION is everything. It doesn't matter who is 'right', it matters what people think and what they report to the town or local law enforcement for incidents.
- Never go alone.
- Do not teach, practice or learn on a crowded beach.
- If you are an instructor, you must be certified to give lessons for liability purposes.
- Kiters: do not self-launch or self-land on a crowded beach.
- Kiters: “Halve” your lines on beach, (place bar on kite) for a quick break, roll your lines up
completely for a long break.
- Kiters: find someone to land your kite, help others land theirs.
- If beach is super crowded with families/beachgoers, go elsewhere. They have the right-
- Be Polite, Be Friendly and Move Over for walkers.
- If in doubt about location, rig somewhere else.
Remember the 100 foot rule: all sport participants (kiters, surfers, fishers, boaters, etc.) must keep a 100' distance from any person in the ocean. Here, beach goers have the right of way.
- Seek professional instruction. We have plenty of local certified instructors.
- You can’t learn on a crowded beach, it’s not safe.
- Do not attempt to kite without lessons.
- Need help? Just ask.
- Body drag away from shore before board start.​
Advanced to Expert level riders should always keep an open eye for anyone or anything that needs immediate attention. Policing ourselves and helping others are a top priority – including helping those in distress (swimmers, boaters, SUP’ers, kayakers, etc...). We have been fortunate enough for town councils to trust us, so let’s keep that in mind.
Kiters / Windsurfers / Wingers: know your right of way in crowded waters - if you're riding "starboard tack" (right hand/right foot is forward), you have right of way. If you're riding "port tack" (left hand/left foot is forward), you must give way to the other rider coming in the opposite direction. Give way to downwind riders if you're upwind of them. Surfing rules of the wave applies when playing in the waves.
Please follow all local beach town and community rules and regulations, including where to park. Check each local town's website for more information on their specific local rules.
Surfing Etiquette - know the rules of the wave before going surfing - CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO on surfing etiquette
Stand Up Paddle Surfers - be respectful of surfers and crowded line ups - CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO on the common sense rules of SUP Surfing.